04 April 2009


One of the most important things to do when picking out a camping site is to look up above you and make sure you see a lot of blue sky!

The last thing you want is to wake up in the middle of the night with a downed tree or even large tree limbs crashing through your tent. Believe me I know! The first time I went camping with my family we set up camp underneath a tree and during the night there was a bit of a wind storm which knocked down some branches. Thank goodness the branches were not huge. This could have been a real problem.

Camping is an enjoyable and refreshing experience. It gives you an opportunity to explore nature and outdoors. Every year, thousands of people go for camping trips or vacations to satisfy their thirst for adventure and to spend some time close to nature, away from the fretting buzz of city life. Camping refreshes your mind and soul, and allows you to have a good time with your family and friends.

It is very important to take fire safety measures with campfires, so that the trip does not turn out to be a disaster. Choose a proper location for setting up the campfires. When you build a campfire, keep it away from trees and overhanging branches, rotted stumps and logs, and be sure you clear away all dry grass and leaves with in 10 feet of your campfire to prevent the fire from spreading.

While setting the camp fire, make sure that they are low. Try to keep it away from bushes, dried leaves, trees, automobiles, and your camping tent. Put out the fire by the time specified by the campground management staff. When you cook barbecue and other camp foods, make sure that the fire is far away from your trailer, your camping tent, sleeping bags, and other camping gears. When camping, it will be best if you will not use grills that are attached to trailers.

Try to avoid using lighter fluid or other chemicals to start your fire. These fuels are extremely dangerous to use in the wilderness because they can come in unexpected contact with other materials and catch your clothing on fire. Instead just use a lighter or match to ignite your kindling. Do not discard any used matches until they are cool to the touch.


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